Quiet Moments!

During periods of stress in my life, I find it more important than ever to appreciate quiet moments, and be especially thankful for the little things I sometimes forget to remind myself of. 
 Open your curtains... take a few deep breaths... put your feet up... and fix yourself a warm drink. 
There is so much to be thankful for!  

Peace, Love & Joy!



  1. What brand is your planner? It's so cute and I'm looking for one for the new year!

    1. Hi Kimberly! I am so sorry that I am just now seeing your comment. If you are still looking, the brand is MyAdgenda (also known as MomAdgenda) and they have a website: http://www.momagenda.com/products.cfm?cID=34
      It looks like they only have a mini size left in leopard print.
      Have a great day and happy New Year!! :)

